Omega 3


Omega 3 is derived from fish oil and has a number of benefits, including contributing to normal function of the heart at a dosage of 250mg EPA and DHA per day. Our Omega 3 fish oils are offered in their most potent, purest forms, providing incredible value for money.

Our Super Strength Omega 3 Softgels, BULK POWDERS ® have the perfect Omega 3 supplement for anyone looking to increase their intake of quality Omega 3 oils.

Omega 3 Supplements FAQS

What is omega 3?
Omega 3 fatty acids, also known as Omega 3 oils, are polyunsaturated fatty acids that have been proven to support a number of healthy functions in your body. Most significantly, Omega 3 oils can support healthy heart function and the level of blood fats, or triglycerides, in your blood.
What are the benefits of taking omega 3 supplements?
Omega 3 supplements are some of the most popular nutritional supplements available today. Their main benefit is supporting a range of functions related to heart health, such as cholesterol levels, as well as reducing risk of heart disease and circulation issues later in life. Because they’re oils, they’re generally served in softgel capsules designed to be swallowed with water, but some powder versions are also available.
Are omega 3 supplements healthy?
Omega 3 supplements support a number of functions in the body, so they’re very healthy. The most popular source of Omega 3 is from fish oils, meaning some vegetarians and vegans struggle to get enough in their regular diet. Fortunately, there are also vegan and vegetarian Omega 3 supplement options.
When should you take omega 3 supplements?
Most Omega 3 supplements are intended to complement the nutrition you get from your regular meals, so we generally advise taking them with meals so they’re absorbed with other nutrients. Otherwise, you can take your Omega 3 supplements at whatever time you would normally take any other nutritional supplements you take, such as first thing in the morning or just before bed.
How much omega 3 should you take?
Most Omega 3 supplements are usually provided in measured softgel capsule doses or a similar preparation, meaning generally you should take one or two softgel capsules a day. Check the individual label of your Omega 3 supplements for more precise dosage instructions.
What are the different types of omega 3?
There are 11 different types of Omega 3 fatty acids, but of those 11, only 3 are vitally important: ALA, EPA and DHA. Of these 3, ALA is the only one that can be readily found in plants, and is converted into EPA and DHA by your body (which is very inefficient). The other two, EPA and DHA, are generally found in seafood and fish, and are vitally important – this is why vegans and vegetarians are often advised to supplement their diet with an appropriate Omega 3 supplement.
Can you get omega 3 without eating fish?
Omega 3 is most commonly sourced from fish, hence why it’s often called Omega 3 fish oil. Fortunately, in recent years nutritional science has come a long way, and you can now find a range of plant-based Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils from plant-based sources such as seed and vegetable oils.
What is the shelf life of omega 3?
Omega 3 can be at risk of oxidation over time, which can affect the quality of the nutrients. To combat this, many Omega 3 supplements are combined with Vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties and can help to stave off oxidation. As a general rule, Omega 3 supplements are good for a year after production so long as they’re stored in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight. Check the label of your supplements for more specific Best Before information.