Fish Oils


The popularity of fish oils stems from the fact that they are excellent sources of EPA & DHA; two essential fatty acids that must be consumed in the diet, due to the body's inability to synthesise them. EPA & DHA are known to have a wide range of benefits - from promoting everyday health to providing joint support.

Bulk ® range of fish oils offer unbeatable value for money - whether you're looking for Fish Oil Softgels, Super Strength Omega 3,  Vegan Omega 3 Softgels, or even Krill Oil - the latest generation of fish oil supplements!

Fish Oils FAQS

What are fish oils? (30)
Fish oil is a term that loosely refers to any oil which is sourced from the tissues of oily fish, such as salmon, cod, and even krill. Fish oils have been popular as a health and nutritional supplement for decades, thanks to their high Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) and Omega 3 content.
What are the benefits of fish oil supplements?
The primary benefit of fish oil supplements is that they contain Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), which your body cannot produce on its own, meaning you have to get them from food. Essential Fatty Acids such as Omega 3 contribute to a wide range of vital bodily functions, so the benefit of taking them is that you know you’re getting essential nutrition in a premium form.
Are fish oils healthy?
Fish oils are healthy insofar as they contribute to normal function of your body and mind. As the name suggests, however, they’re oil, a type of fat, so you should avoid consuming them in excess amounts. They’re typically found in foods in small amounts, and supplements contain measured amounts, so this is unlikely to be an issue.
What is the best time to take it?
As a vital part of your diet, you should try to consume some form of Essential Fatty Acids every single day, and fish oils are a great choice for this. Most Fish Oil supplements are designed to be taken daily for this reason. Fish Oils can be found in a wide range of popular types of fish, but many people choose to take supplements to ensure they’re getting a healthy intake regardless of what they eat each day, usually just before or after meals.
Is it OK to take fish oils every day?
Yes, and in the majority of cases it’s actually a good idea to use supplements to ensure you’re getting your essential daily intake. If you’re on a vegan or vegetarian diet, you still need the Omega 3 and Essential Fatty Acids that fish oils provide – fortunately, there are now a wide variety of vegan and vegetarian alternatives to fish oil that you can buy.
What are the different types of fish oils?
There are a few different types of Fish Oil available, each with their own nutritional profile. Speaking generally, Fish Oils vary in the specific fish they’re sourced from, and the profile of Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 oils they contain. Otherwise, they vary in terms of the measurement of fish oil they provide, and the potency – Krill Oil, for example, is an extremely potent source. Most fish oil supplements are served in softgel capsules.
Who should take fish oils?
Fish oils are a vital source of Essential Fatty Acids, which are crucial to every single human being’s healthy mental and bodily function. Needless to say, if you’re following a vegan or vegetarian dietary regime, fish oils won’t be appropriate for your needs, but you can still get Essential Fatty Acids and Omega oils from plant-based sources instead.
What is the difference between Fish Oils, Omega 3 and Essential Fatty Acids?
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) refers to polyunsaturated fatty acids which include Omega 3 and Omega 6. Fish oils, a source of omega 3, is the general term for oils made from the tissue of a fish.