Essential Fatty Acids


Essential fatty acids play a number of roles in the body; they can improve health, reduce inflammation, affect mood and improve insulin sensitivity, amongst many other benefits. As a result, essential fatty acid supplements should be a staple part of any nutrition plan. The two main types of EFAs are omega-3 and omega-6, of which our range incorporates multiple sources along with omega-9.

Essential fatty acids have received a huge amount of public attention over the last few years – and for good reason. The body can’t synthesise them itself, so they must be obtained via the diet. The problem is that it can be difficult to obtain a balance of EFAs in the diet. In particular, it is hard to consume adequate omega-3. Typical high quality sources are oily fish, such as salmon and mackerel, which many don’t like. Some foods are indeed fortified with EFAs, but typically at very low levels.

Our range of essential fatty acids has been designed to give you convenient, high quality EFA supplements to ensure that you consume appropriate quantities for both your health and physique development.

Essential Fatty Acids FAQS

What are essential fatty acids?
Essential Fatty Acids, or EFAs as they’re sometimes called for short, are fatty acids that your body needs in order to perform certain bodily functions. They’re called essential because your body requires them for good health, but cannot synthesize them itself, so you have to obtain them from the foods you eat.
What are the benefits of taking essential fatty acid supplements?
Essential Fatty Acids contribute to a wide range of vital bodily functions, so the benefit of taking them is that you know you’re providing essential nutrition for a range of physical and mental processes. It’s not a coincidence that Essential Fatty Acids and Omega 3 oils are some of the most commonly taken supplements in the world.
Are essential fatty acids healthy?
Essential Fatty Acids are healthy insofar as they contribute to normal function of your body and mind. As the name suggests, however, they are still fats, so you should still avoid consuming them in excess amounts. They’re typically found in foods in small amounts, and supplements contain measured amounts, so this is unlikely to be an issue.
When should you take it?
As a vital part of your diet, you should try to consume Essential Fatty Acids every single day. Most Essential Fatty Acid supplements are designed to be taken daily for this reason. Essential Fatty Acids can be found in a range of natural foods and snacks including fish and certain vegetable oils, but many people choose to take supplements to ensure they’re getting a healthy intake.
Can you take essential fatty acids every day?
Yes, and in the majority of cases it’s actually a good idea to use supplements to ensure you’re getting your essential daily intake. This is particularly true if you’re on a vegan or vegetarian diet, as certain Essential Fatty Acids can be difficult to obtain from non-animal food sources.
What are the different types available?
There are a wide range of Essential Fatty Acids, each with their own specific name and typical food sources. As a broader rule, Essential Fatty Acids break down into different categories: Omega-3 and Omega-6. Each category has its own unique functions and particular importance to the body.
What do essential fatty acids taste like?
Essential Fatty Acids are often sourced from foods, and their taste tends to reflect whichever food they were sourced from. For example, Omega-3 is often sourced from fish, hence why it’s often referred to as ‘Fish Oil’. As you can imagine, the taste isn’t great, which is why most people choose to take it in sealed, gel capsules that can be swallowed with water. Put simply, most EFA supplements taste of nothing – and that’s probably a good thing.
Who should take it?
Essential Fatty Acids are essential to every single human being’s healthy mental and bodily function. They’re especially important for people on vegetarian, vegan or low-meat and dairy diets, as some Essential Fatty Acids can be difficult to obtain from plant-based food sources.