Fat Burners


Fat Burners, commonly referred to as fat loss pills, often promise the world yet deliver nothing! It is for this reason that Fat Burners are often viewed negatively.

The truth is that an appropriate diet and training programme are essential to achieving any fat loss goal. Fat Burners are the icing on the cake.

Bulk™ is proud to only stock research-proven fat loss supplements; whether its pills, tablets or powders. We don't make wild claims about our products, we simply let them talk for themselves – with results.

So, whether you're looking to make your own Fat Burner by combining nutrients such as Carnitine and Green Tea  – or you want an expert formulated, best of the best, fat loss supplement such as CUTTING EDGE – we have something for everyone.

Fat Burners FAQS

What are fat burners?
Fat Burners are a range of nutritional supplements designed to round out any weight loss programme based on restricted calorie intake and exercise. Our range of Fat Burner supplements are available in a range of forms, from pills to powders, and research-proven.
What are the benefits of taking weight management pills?
Weight management supplements are designed to support a healthy diet and active lifestyle by promoting healthy metabolic functions in the body, plus a range of other functions. Supplements like Thermogenic tablets can support a healthy metabolism thanks to the variety of vitamins and nutrients they provide.
How do fat burners work?
Fat burners work in a range of different ways, depending on the intended use and the ingredients involved. Thermogenics, as the name suggests, are designed to support metabolic functions and burning of calories. Others, such as Glucomannan and other plant extracts, support weight loss by promoting a feeling of “fullness” and helping to avoid excessive snacking.
When should you take weight loss pills?
Again, this depends on the supplement and its intended use. Generally, weight loss pills are intended to be taken before exercise and workouts to promote calorie metabolism, or before or between meals to promote fullness and prevent snacking. Single ingredients can also be mixed in with your favourite pre-workout blends.
How many fat burners can you take in a day?
Each fat burner supplement has its own directed use and instructions, but as a general rule, remember that fat burners are intended to be used as part of a healthy diet and regular exercise. They aren’t intended to replace a healthy diet, nor individual meals. At maximum, we would suggest using fat burners 3 times a day, before your 3 main meals – but always check the instructions for individual products.
What different types of weight management products are available at bulk?
Our weight management products generally divide into 3 categories: Products that promote active metabolism like Thermogenics, products that help to prevent excessive eating like Glucomannan, and products that promote a feeling of “fullness” to avoid mid-meal snacking.
What do fat burners taste like?
Because of the variety of ingredients they include, fat burners have a range of flavours. Generally, we sell our fat burners in pill or powder form, so they’re generally either washed down with a glass of water, or mixed and blended into your regular shake or smoothie formula.
What is the shelf life of fat burners?
Our fat burner products are generally very stable, and have a long shelf life. As a general rule, they have a shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacture – but you should always check individual packaging for a precise Best Before date.