Weight Loss Shakes


Diet shakes, whilst never a replacement for whole foods, can be beneficial when incorporated into a normal diet. Many people s truggle to consume key macronutrients from the food they eat, specifically protein and fibre, and it’s these that can have a significant impact on satiety (the feeling of fullness) – often leading to snacking.

The BULK POWDERS ® range of diet shakes are designed for purpose: to provide a convenient source of protein, whether that’s as part of a healthy meal or as a top-up throughout the day - always great tasting and unbeatable value!

Diet Shakes FAQS

What are diet shakes?
Diet shakes are nutritional shakes that are designed for individuals who are trying to lose weight, or slimming using a calorie-restricted diet. Diet Shakes are intended to be used as part of a healthy, normal diet regime, providing vital nutrients that can contribute to a feeling of “fullness” and help prevent snacking. They’re also rich in protein and other fitness nutrition, helping individuals to lose weight and build muscle as part of a training or exercise routine.
What are the benefits of slimming shakes?
Slimming shakes help to support individuals following a healthy, calorie-restricted diet by providing vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients with minimal calories. If you’re following a calorie-restricted diet, it can be difficult to get all your nutrition through regular foods – these shakes help ensure you’re getting your full nutritional intake, and also help to avoid snacking between meals.
How do weight loss shakes work?
The main way weight loss shake works is by helping you to stop thinking about food – by providing essential nutrients that contribute to a feeling of “fullness”, you can focus on following your calorie-restricted diet and avoid unnecessary snacking. Many of our shakes are intended for use as part of an active lifestyle, so they can also encourage you to commit to your training and exercise.
When should you take complete food shakes or replacement shakes?
Food shakes like our 1™ Complete Food Shake contain maximum nutrition with key macronutrients in one shake. We recommend using them as a snack between meals if you live an active lifestyle. You should still complement your diet with regular, healthy meals with a rich nutritional profile.
How many weight loss shakes should you take in a day?
Weight loss shakes can help people to lose weight as part of a healthy, calorie-restricted diet, but they aren’t intended to replace food. You should enjoy a maximum of two shakes a day, spread out throughout the day, and should always supplement your weight loss regime with healthy, nutritious whole foods.
How should you take diet shakes?
You can prepare diet shakes the same way you would any other nutritional shake: Simply measure out into a protein shaker as instructed, add water or a fluid of your choice, shake it up, and serve. Simple.
What different diet shake flavours are available?
Like other nutritional shakes, diet shakes now come in a wide range of flavours, such as chocolate or vanilla, as well as fruit flavours and even candy and desserts. Choose a flavour that you think you’ll love and that you won’t get tired of, and you’ll find slimming much easier.
What is the shelf life of slimming shakes?
Our slimming shakes are designed to have a long shelf life. Typically, they’re good for 12 months after their manufacturing date. You should check the outside label of each individual product for precise Best Before information.