Fast Release Carbohydrates


While carbohydrate is the body’s primary source of energy, the speed at which ingested food is available to the muscles as glycogen (energy) depends entirely on the type of carbohydrate. Fast release carbohydrates, also referred to as simple carbohydrates, convert to energy very quickly.

While we are often told to avoid simple carbohydrates, there are three primary occasions when they are actually an advantage:

Pre-training: It is too late to have a carbohydrate source that digests slowly as the training session will be finished long before the food is converted to energy. Fast release carbohydrates solve this issue, with an almost immediate supply of energy.

During training: As with pre-training, the only fuel source that can be used as energy during a session is fast release carbohydrates. They are ideal for particularly intense sessions, or sessions of a long duration.

Post-workout: When training has finished, this is an ideal time to replace the fuel that the body has used throughout the session. Fast release carbohydrates replace fuel as quickly as is possible. The increase in insulin levels that fast release carbohydrates result in, can help shuttle nutrients (including protein for muscle growth) into the muscles.

Fast Release Carbohydrates FAQS

What are fast release carbohydrate supplements?
Fast-release carbohydrate supplements are exactly that - they get the job done fast, so you have more energy as quickly as possible. Depending on what type of food you ingest, it can sometimes take a while for that to convert to energy. With fast release carb supplements, the rate of conversion from food to energy is high, so you get an instant boost.
What are the benefits of quick release carb supplements?
Fast acting carbs are a quick way to give yourself a jumpstart for a training session, either just before or during a workout. They can also quickly replenish your fuel source after you’re done. We’re often told to avoid carbs like this - simple carbohydrates are commonly associated with sugar. However, there can be advantages to taking them, particularly if you feel your energy levels have dipped close to or during a workout, and a slow-release carb is no longer an option.
When is the best time to take it?
For fast-release carbs, undoubtedly the best time to take them is just before a workout, or during, especially if it is a particularly intense one and you’re pushing yourself. They can also be a quick way of replenishing your energy stores just after your workout, especially if you train in the morning. Fast-release carb supplements are easy to implement into your routine, and you’re good to take them every day. They should work alongside a healthy and balanced diet, and for fast-release carbs, it’s best to use them around your workout for maximum impact.
What are simple and complex carbs?
Simple carbohydrates are those that release quickly and give you spikes in energy - so think sugar, dried fruits and berries. Complex carbohydrates are usually found in more substantial foods, like potatoes or oats, and the energy they provide releases more slowly, but over a longer period.