Carbohydrate Powders


Carbohydrates  are the body’s preferred source of energy and are stored in the body as glycogen – both in the liver and more importantly, in the muscles. Whether you need a slow digesting carbohydrate such as  ultra fine Scottish oats, or a fast absorbing carbohydrate such as  dextrose  for post-workout recovery, make sure you’ve got enough fuel to perform to your optimum, day in, day out. Check out our huge range of carbohydrate supplements - all at Europe’s lowest prices!

Think of muscle like a fuel tank in your car – no fuel, no performance. While the body can get energy from other sources, carbohydrates are the preferred source. Low carbohydrate levels (and low glycogen) have been continually shown in research to lead to poor performance in weightlifting, football, running and pretty much every sport!

There are different types of carbohydrate. Simply, there are complex carbohydrates which release energy in a slow, steady fashion. Alternatively, simple sugars are broken down rapidly and provide a spike of energy.

Typically complex carbohydrates, such as Scottish oats, are advised throughout the day to give a steady supply of energy without dramatically raising blood sugar levels. Simple sugars, such as dextrose, are primarily used around training to give a quick supply of energy and to refuel muscles after training.

Carbohydrates FAQS

What are carb supplements?
Carbohydrates are a vital source of energy to keep you working hard and smart at the gym. Carbs should account for around 60% of our dietary intake. Carb supplements are a fast and easy way to get both complex carbohydrates and sugars, both of which provide energy for you to get through your day and stay on top.
What are the benefits of carbohydrate supplements?
Carbohydrate supplements can help replace the muscle glycogen that you lose during a workout. Glycogen is important for energy storage. The nature of supplements are a transparent nutritional profile, meaning you can use them as a source of energy without having to intake unnecessary calories present in other carbohydrates.
Which products contain carbs?
Carbs can be divided into two basic categories. There’s complex carbohydrates, which offer slow energy release throughout the day, making them an essential component of your diet. Then, there’s sugars, which give you that spike of energy which can be useful during a workout. Complex Carbohydrates provide vitamins, minerals and fibre, and can be found in our oat products or in a range of our powders.
What is the best time to take carbohydrate drinks?
Carbohydrate drinks are made up of complex carbohydrates, which are designed to slowly release energy throughout the day. They’re ideal to be sipped throughout the day, and you can take them between two and three times, regardless of when you workout, or how your day is scheduled.
Can you take carbohydrate supplements every day?
Carb supplements boost your carbohydrate intake and energy every day, alongside a healthy and balanced diet. We recommend taking them alongside protein, so you are stocking up on the raw materials required for full workout and muscle growth. This is especially true if you’re trying to bulk up - maximising your carb and protein intake is essential for this.
What are the different types of carbohydrate supplements?
We offer a range of supplements in a variety of forms. If you love a powdered shake that can be mixed with our other powdered products or implemented into smoothies and soups, then our collection of powders will tick the box. We also have a series of simple carbohydrates that are ready for your body to absorb, so when you need a quick fix before a heavy training session, you can use our glucose-based supplements for quick action, either before, during or after your workout.
Who should take carbohydrate supplements?
Carbohydrate supplements work well for anyone looking to increase their carb intake. The main thing is knowing which carbs do what job - your slower release complex carbs, or your fast-working simple carbs. As always, supplements should be taken as part of a wider, healthy and balanced diet, and used to enhance your results from your workout regimen.
What is the best carb supplement?
All carb supplements are a huge source of energy. A lot of the time, it’s finding out what works best for you. If it’s a slow-burning supplement you’re after, then our range of carb powders and oats means you can gain energy and focus on increasing your mass at a pace that works for you. If you feel as though it’s more of a quick boost you need, then our simple carb supplements like Dextrose or Maltodextrin are other appropriate options for your workout.