Sports Nutrition


Whether you lift, run or take part in intensive sports, the link between sports nutrition and performance is ever-growing. With more science and research behind the use of supplements, it is becoming clearer how they play an important role in recovery when used to support an optimal diet.

From popular sports supplements like  Whey Protein  and BCAAMultivitamin  tablets & powders, to  Active Foods™  such as our delicious  Nut Butters  and  Liquid Egg Whites, one thing is clear: Bulk™ provide the absolute best value around.

Sports nutrition FAQS

What is sports nutrition?
Sports nutrition consists of all products designed to support an active lifestyle. Whether it’s weight-lifting, running, yoga or anything else you do to stay active, getting the right nutrition at the right time is important. At Bulk™, you can select the best sports nutrition supplements to help you achieve specific fitness goals.
How do sports nutrition products benefit you?
If you want to fuel your workouts, sports nutrition products can support your energy levels and recovery as well as hydration. With sports nutrition supplements designed for your pre-workout, endurance sports, cardio, weight-lifting and more, you can have access to the right products for your chosen activity.
Who should take sports nutrition supplements?
Anyone who does any kind of physical activity and beyond. Whether you’re a runner, a weightlifter or a yogi, there’s a sports supplement that can help you achieve your goals. Sports nutrition can also be super useful to make up for any deficiencies in your diet as they’re expertly formulated.
When should you take sports nutrition supplements?
Post-workout is the peak time for replenishing your body after physical effort. That’s commonly identified as the ideal time for nutrient absorption meaning you can really bank on the sports nutrition product you’ve selected.
What sports nutrition supplements are included in the Bulk™ range?
You can choose from a wide selection of popular supplements like whey protein, creatine, multivitamin tablets and powders - ideal for any active lifestyle In our food range, you’ll find delicious nut butters, liquid egg whites, protein baking mixes for pancakes, brownies and so much more. We’ve got your sweet and salty cravings sorted.
What is the best sports nutrition?
This totally depends on you and your lifestyle. If you’re a weightlifter or are looking to build muscle, it might be worth exploring protein powders and supplements like creatine. Endurance athletes like runners might need more carbohydrates such as Vitargo® powder. Whatever your needs, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough of each macronutrient and enough micronutrients to help your body perform at its best.
Is it OK to take sport nutrition supplements every day?
Yes, but it depends on what supplements you’re taking. Always look at the serving recommendations on our website or on our product packaging to make sure you’re not taking too much (or too little) of any sports nutrition supplement.