Heart Health Supplements


With increasingly busy lives it is important to maintain the right balance of work and play, and whilst the right diet, regular exercise and plenty of sleep are the principles for optimal health, there are a number of supplements that are believed to directly and indirectly support heart health.

For example, the benefits of ESAs, such as our Super Strength Omega 3’s are well-known, contributing to the normal function of the heart. And a good quality Multivitamin, which can aid processes such as cell generation, muscle function, immune function and cognitive function, can play an important role too – promoting better health as a whole.

Heart Health Supplements

What are heart health supplements?
Heart health supplements are any nutritional supplement intended to promote normal heart health and cardiovascular function. These can include supplements for cholesterol, nutrients associated with normal heart function, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, Magnesium and Thiamine, and even foods beneficial to heart functions such as garlic and green tea extract.
What are the benefits of heart health supplements?
As you might expect, your heart is connected to every other process in your body, meaning a healthy heart can have a lot of benefits all around the body. The benefits of individual supplements depend on the specific supplement. As a general rule, heart health supplements help to promote good circulation, heart function, reduced cholesterol and reduced risk of heart disease.
Which vitamins and minerals are good for your heart?
There are a wide range of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that benefit your heart, but a few really stick out as important for heart health. These include Omega-3 fatty acids, Magnesium and Thiamine whereas Zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and Folic acid intake contributes indirectly to heart health. All of these can support heart health as part of a healthy, balanced diet and active lifestyle.
What is the best time to take it?
Because they’re typically provided in supplement form, as tablets, pills or powders, heart health supplements are usually intended to be taken with food. As a result, most people choose to take their heart health supplements at the same time as their other supplements; in the morning, after breakfast, or in the evening, after dinner.
Can you take heart health supplements every day?
Your heart works hard every day, so it’s a good idea to keep it healthy every day as well. Most heart health supplements are designed to be taken every day, so of course it’s okay to do so. Just remember to keep note of any other supplements you’re taking, as well as your general nutritional intake – your body can only process so much of each nutrient each day, and some can be potentially detrimental if taken in excessive quantities.
What are the different types of heart health supplements?
Heart health supplements vary depending on which aspect of heart health they support. The main supplements that bulk® sells are essential fatty acids, including Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9, as well as vitamin supplements that support heart health such as B-Vitamins and Co Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10). We also sell a variety of nutritional supplements that can support normal heart function, such as Garlic Extract.
Who should take heart health supplements?
Heart health supplements are appropriate for people of all ages, but they’re especially important as you get older. As you get older, your risk of heart-related issues including high cholesterol and heart disease increases. Taking heart health supplements is a great way of supporting your heart’s health as you get older and keeping your heart functioning well.
What is the difference between heart health softgels, tablets and powders?
Fundamentally, there’s no difference between softgels, tablets and powders. Each preparation is specific to the nutrients and vitamins involved. Omega-3, for example, is typically sourced from fish oils, meaning it doesn’t taste great. By preparing it in a softgel, you can simply swallow it with water and avoid any unpleasant flavour. Powders, on the other hand, can be easily mixed into other formulas, such as protein shakes, for added nutrition.