Nuts & Seeds

Nuts & Seeds might be small in size, but nutritionally they are powerhouses. Naturally high in protein, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – Nuts & Seeds make a perfect snack for any time of the day. BULK POWDERS ® offers a wide range of Nuts & Seeds, all packed in foil-fresh pouches and at better-than-supermarket prices.

Nuts and Seeds FAQS

Are nuts and seeds good to snack on?
Nuts and seeds are simple, nutritious, all-natural foods that are easy to carry around with you and eat anywhere, so they’re pretty much the ideal snacking food. They’re also rich in nutrients that are important for fitness and training, like protein and healthy fats, so it doesn’t get much better.
What are the benefits of eating nuts and seeds?
The benefits of eating nuts and seeds are similar to eating any kind of healthy food, but they have some special benefits too. Firstly, they’re high in fibre, particularly nuts, meaning they’re a great way to support healthy day-to-day digestion. They’re also rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, making them a great way to get your daily nutritional intake from a natural source.
Are nuts and seeds healthy?
Nuts and seeds are possibly some of the healthiest snacks you can find. However, nuts are typically rich in healthy fats, so you should consume them in moderation if you’re concerned about consuming too many carbs or fats. As with any foods, even healthy ones, the key is to consume them in moderation, as part of a balanced, varied diet with an active lifestyle.
What are the healthiest nuts to eat?
Because of their high protein, fat and fibre content, most of the popular nuts you encounter in the supermarket are very healthy, and are an ideal snack for between meals. Some nuts that are particularly popular among health-conscious consumers include almonds, cashews and walnuts, due to their rich nutritional profiles.
Is it OK to eat nuts and seeds every day?
Nuts and seeds are some of the simplest, most natural food staples around, used in all kinds of daily foods like breakfast cereals, porridge, salads and other healthy dishes. So of course they’re perfectly fine to eat every day – their high fibre content even makes eating some amount of nuts each day a great idea! Just remember that calories from healthy foods are still calories, so you should still eat them in moderation.
What types of nuts are high in protein?
Many nuts are high in protein, making them a super popular food source for vegan and meat-free trainers. In fact, some nuts have a similar protein content to common meats. Peanuts, for example, contain around 28g of protein per 100g, while cashews, walnuts and almonds all provide at least 16g of protein per 100g – similar to soya beans.
Are nuts and seeds suitable for any diet?
Nuts and seeds are suitable for most dietary requirements, with a few exceptions. Firstly, if you suffer from any kind of nut allergy, it goes without saying that nuts and seeds won’t be appropriate for you. Similarly, if you experience any kind of long-term digestive condition (for example, IBS), some nuts contain compounds and nutrients that may cause digestive issues. If you have any doubts, consult with your doctor or another medical professional before consuming nuts and seeds.
What is the shelf life of nuts and seeds?
Nuts and seeds are some of the most stable foods around, potentially lasting for years if they’re properly stored. As a general rule, most nuts and seeds will have a shelf life of 12 months after their date of manufacture, but you should check the individual label of any nut and seed products you have for a more precise Best Before date.